eoxserver.contrib package


eoxserver.contrib.gdal module

This module imports and initializes GDAL; i.e enables exceptions and registers all available drivers.

eoxserver.contrib.gdal.config_env(env, fail_on_override=False, reset_old=True)

Gets the extent of the GDAL Dataset in the form (min-x, min-y, max-x, max-y).

eoxserver.contrib.gdal.open_with_env(path, env, shared=True)
eoxserver.contrib.gdal.set_env(env, fail_on_override=False, return_old=False)

eoxserver.contrib.gdal_array module

eoxserver.contrib.mapserver module

class eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.Class(name, mapobj=None)

Bases: classObj

class eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.Layer(name, metadata=None, type=0, mapobj=None)

Bases: MetadataMixIn, layerObj

class eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.Map(metadata=None)

Bases: MetadataMixIn, mapObj

exception eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.MapServerException(message, locator, code=None)

Bases: Exception

class eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.MetadataMixIn(metadata=None)

Bases: object

Mix-In for classes that wrap mapscript objects with associated metadata.

setMetaData(key_or_params, value=None, namespace=None)

Convenvience method to allow setting multiple metadata values with one call and optionally setting a ‘namespace’ for each entry.

class eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.Style(name, mapobj=None)

Bases: styleObj

class eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.classObj

Bases: object

class eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.colorObj

Bases: object

eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.config_env(map_obj, env, fail_on_override=False, reset_old=True)
eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.create_request(values, request_type=0)

Creates a mapserver request from

eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.dispatch(map_, request)

Wraps the OWSDispatch method. Perfoms all necessary steps for a further handling of the result.


This function translates a GDAL data type constant as defined in the gdalconst module to a MapScript image mode constant.


This function translates a GDAL data type constant as defined in the gdalconst module to a string as used in the MapServer map file to denote an image mode.

class eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.layerObj

Bases: object

class eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.mapObj

Bases: object

eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.setMetaData(obj, key_or_params, value=None, namespace=None)

Convenvience function to allow setting multiple metadata values with one call and optionally setting a ‘namespace’ for each entry.

eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.set_env(map_obj, env, fail_on_override=False, return_old=False)
eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.set_metadata(obj, key_or_params, value=None, namespace=None)

Convenvience function to allow setting multiple metadata values with one call and optionally setting a ‘namespace’ for each entry.

class eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.shapeObj

Bases: object

class eoxserver.contrib.mapserver.styleObj

Bases: object

eoxserver.contrib.ogr module

eoxserver.contrib.osr module

class eoxserver.contrib.osr.SpatialReference(raw=None, format=None)

Bases: object

Extension to the original SpatialReference class.

property proj
property srid

Convenience function that tries to get the SRID of the projection.

property swap_axes
property url
property wkt
property xml

eoxserver.contrib.vrt module

class eoxserver.contrib.vrt.VRTBuilder(size_x, size_y, num_bands=0, data_type=None, vrt_filename=None)

Bases: object

This class is a helper to easily create VRT datasets from various sources.

  • size_x – the pixel size of the X dimension

  • size_y – the pixel size of the Y dimension

  • num_bands – the initial number of bands; bands can be added afterwards

  • data_type – the GDT data type identifier

  • vrt_filename – a path the filename shall be stored at; if none is specified the dataset will only be kept in memory

add_band(data_type=None, options=None, nodata=None)

Add a band to the VRT Dataset.

  • data_type – the data type of the band to add. if omitted this is determined automatically by GDAL

  • options – a list of any string options to be supplied to the new band

add_simple_source(band_index, src, src_band, src_rect=None, dst_rect=None)

Add a new simple source to the VRT.

  • band_index – the band index the source shall contribute to

  • src – either a GDAL Dataset or a file path to the source dataset

  • src_band – specify which band of the source dataset shall contribute to the target VRT band

  • src_rect – a 4-tuple of integers in the form (offset-x, offset-y, size-x, size-y) or a Rect specifying the source area to contribute

  • dst_rect – a 4-tuple of integers in the form (offset-x, offset-y, size-x, size-y) or a Rect specifying the target area to contribute

copy_gcps(ds, offset=None)

Copy the GCPs from the given GDAL Dataset, optionally offsetting them

  • ds – a GDAL Dataset

  • offset – a 2-tuple of integers; the pixel offset to be applied to any GCP copied


Copy the metadata fields and values from the given dataset.


ds – a GDAL Dataset

property dataset

Returns a handle to the underlying VRT GDAL Dataset.

classmethod from_dataset(ds, vrt_filename=None)

A helper function to create a VRT dataset from a given template dataset.


ds – a GDAL Dataset

class eoxserver.contrib.vrt.VRTBuilder2(size_x, size_y, num_bands=0, data_type=None, vrt_filename=None)

Bases: object

add_band(data_type=None, options=None, nodata=None)
add_simple_source(band_index, src, src_band, src_rect=None, dst_rect=None)

Add a new simple source to the VRT.

  • band_index – the band index the source shall contribute to

  • src – either a GDAL Dataset or a file path to the source dataset

  • src_band – specify which band of the source dataset shall contribute to the target VRT band

  • src_rect – a 4-tuple of integers in the form (offset-x, offset-y, size-x, size-y) or a Rect specifying the source area to contribute

  • dst_rect – a 4-tuple of integers in the form (offset-x, offset-y, size-x, size-y) or a Rect specifying the target area to contribute

warped_gcps(gcp_dsc, resample='NearestNeighbour', order=0)
eoxserver.contrib.vrt.gdalbuildvrt(filename, paths, separate=False, nodata=None)

Builds a VRT file from the passed files using the gdalbuildvrt command and stores the resulting file under the passed filename.


Convenience function to get the VRT driver.

eoxserver.contrib.vrt.mosaic(filenames, save=None)

Creates a mosaic VRT from the specified filenames. This function always uses the highest resolution available. The VRT is stored under the save filename, when passed

eoxserver.contrib.vrt.select_bands(filename, env, band_indices, save=None)
eoxserver.contrib.vrt.stack_bands(filenames, env, save=None)
eoxserver.contrib.vrt.with_extent(filename, extent, save=None)

Create a VRT and override the underlying files geolocation

eoxserver.contrib.vsi module

This module provides Python file-object like access to VSI files.

class eoxserver.contrib.vsi.TemporaryVSIFile(filename, mode='r')

Bases: VSIFile

Subclass of VSIFile, that automatically deletes the physical file upon deletion.


Close the file. This also deletes it.

classmethod from_buffer(buf, mode='wb', filename=None)

Creates a TemporaryVSIFile from a string.

  • buf – the supplied string

  • mode – the file opening mode

  • filename – the optional filename the file shall be stored under; by default this is an in-memory location

class eoxserver.contrib.vsi.VSIFile(filename, mode='r')

Bases: object

File-like object interface for VSI file API.

  • filename – the path to the file; this might also be any VSI special path like “/vsicurl/…” or “/vsizip/…”. See the GDAL documentation and manuals for reference.

  • mode – the file opening mode


Close the file.

property closed

Return a boolean value to indicate whether or not the file is already closed.


Never a TTY

property name

Returns the filename referenced by this file


Satisfaction of the iterator protocol. Return the next line in the file or raise StopIteration.


Read from the file. If no size is specified, read until the end of the file.


size – the number of bytes to be read


the bytes read as a string

readline(length=None, windowsize=1024)

Read a single line from the file and return it.

  • length – the maximum number of bytes to read to look for a whole line.

  • windowsize – the windowsize to search for a newline character.

Read the remainder of the file (or up to sizehint bytes) and return

the lines.


sizehint – the number of bytes to scan for lines.


the lines

Return type:

list of strings

seek(offset, whence=0)

Set the new read/write offset in the file.

  • offset – the new offset

  • whence – how the offset shall be interpreted; possible options are os.SEEK_SET, os.SEEK_CUR and os.SEEK_END

property size

Return the size of the file in bytes


Return the current read/write offset of the file.


an integer offset

Truncates the file to the given size or to the size until the current



size – the new size of the file.


Write the buffer data to the file.


data – the string buffer to be written

class eoxserver.contrib.vsi.VSIFileResponse(*args, as_attachment=False, filename='', **kwargs)

Bases: StreamingHttpResponse

Subclass of StreamingHttpResponse, a replacement for Django’s FileResponse which does not work for VSIFiles in Django v3.2.15

block_size = 4096
eoxserver.contrib.vsi.join(first, *paths)

Joins the given VSI path specifiers. Similar to os.path.join() but takes care of the VSI-specific handles such as vsicurl, vsizip, etc.

eoxserver.contrib.vsi.open(filename, mode='r')

A function mimicking the builtin function open but returning a VSIFile instead.

  • filename

    the path to the file; this might also be any VSI special path like “/vsicurl/…” or “/vsizip/…”. See the GDAL documentation for reference.

  • mode – the file opening mode


a VSIFile

Module contents

This package provides a common interface to contributing third party libraries that need some special care when importing or are provided with additional features.