Web Processing Service (WPS)

The OpenGIS® Web Processing Service (WPS) Interface Standard provides rules for standardizing how inputs and outputs (requests and responses) for geospatial processing services, such as polygon overlay. The standard also defines how a client can request the execution of a process, and how the output from the process is handled. It defines an interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes and clients’ discovery of and binding to those processes. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network or they can be available at the server.

The standard can be obtained from the Open Geospatial Consortiums homepage.

The following tables provide an overview over the available WPS request parameters for each operation supported by EOxServer.


Table: “WPS GetCapabilities Request Parameters” below lists all parameters that are available with Capabilities requests.

WPS GetCapabilities Request Parameters
Parameter Description / Subparameter Allowed value(s) / Example Mandatory (M) / Optional (O)
service Requested service WPS M
request Type of request GetCapabilities M
acceptVersions [1] Prioritized sequence of one or more specification versions accepted by the client, with preferred versions listed first (first supported version will be used) version1[,version2[,…]] 1.0.0 O
updateSequence Date of last issued GetCapabilities request; to receive new document only if it has changed since “2013-05-08” O


Table: “WPS DescribeProcess Request Parameters” below lists all parameters that are available with GetCoverage requests.

WPS DescribeProcess Request Parameters
Parameter Description / Subparameter Allowed value(s) / Example Mandatory (M) / Optional (O)
service Requested service WPS M
request Type of request DescribeProcess M
version Version number 1.0.0 M

The process identifier to get a detailed description for. It is possible to get multiple descriptions by passing a comma separated list of process identifiers.

The process identifiers can be obtained from the GetCapabilities document.



Table: “WPS Execute Request Parameters” below lists all parameters that are available with GetCoverage requests.

WPS Execute Request Parameters
Parameter Description / Subparameter Allowed value(s) / Example Mandatory (M) / Optional (O)
service Requested service WPS M
request Type of request Execute M
version Version number 1.0.0 M
identifier The process to execute.   M
DataInputs A key-value mapping of data inputs. For each input, the unit of measure (UOM) input1=abc@uom:a M
ResponseDocument This parameter selects the outputs of interest, their format and unit of measure (UOM). output1=abc@uom:a O
RawDataOutput Selects a single output that shall be returned as a raw data item. Mutually exclusive with ResponseDocument. input1=abc@uom:a O
status Boolean value whether to include a data lineag in the response document.   O
lineage Boolean value whether to include a data lineag in the response document.   M
storeExecuteResponse Boolean value whether to store the result on the server.   O
[1]For WMS service version 1.3 the crs parameter must be used, for services versions below 1.3 the parameter name is srs.