eoxserver.core package



eoxserver.core.component module

class eoxserver.core.component.Component(*args)

Bases: object

Base class for components.

Every component can declare what extension points it provides, as well as what extension points of other components it extends.

static implements(*interfaces)

Can be used in the class definition of Component subclasses to declare the extension points that are extended.

exception eoxserver.core.component.ComponentException

Bases: Exception

class eoxserver.core.component.ComponentManager

Bases: object

The component manager keeps a pool of active components.


Can be overridden by sub-classes so that special initialization for components can be provided.


Force a component to be disabled.


component – can be a class or an instance.


Can be overridden by sub-classes to veto the activation of a component.

If this method returns False, the component was disabled explicitly. If it returns None, the component was neither enabled nor disabled explicitly. In both cases, the component with the given class will not be available.


Return whether the given component class is enabled.

class eoxserver.core.component.ExtensionPoint(interface)

Bases: property

Marker class for extension points in components.


Return a list of components that declare to implement the extension point interface.

class eoxserver.core.component.Interface

Bases: object

Marker base class for extension point interfaces.

class eoxserver.core.component.UniqueExtensionPoint(interface)

Bases: ExtensionPoint

Marker class for unique extension points in components.


Return the single component that is implementing the interaface. If none is found, or more than one, an exception is raised.


Can be used in the class definition of Component subclasses to declare the extension points that are extended.

eoxserver.core.config module

This module provides an implementation of a system configuration that relies on different configuration files.


Returns the EOxServer config as a ConfigParser.RawConfigParser


Convenience function to get the path to the instance config.


Triggers the loading or reloading of the EOxServer config as a ConfigParser.RawConfigParser.

eoxserver.core.management module

exception eoxserver.core.management.CommandNotFound(cmdname)

Bases: Exception

class eoxserver.core.management.EOxServerAdminCommand(stdout=None, stderr=None, no_color=False, force_color=False)

Bases: BaseCommand

execute(*args, **kwargs)

Try to execute this command, performing system checks if needed (as controlled by the requires_system_checks attribute, except if force-skipped).

eoxserver.core.management.print_possible_commands(commands, stream=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)

eoxserver.core.models module

class eoxserver.core.models.Castable(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Model

Model mix-in for ‘castable’ types. With this MixIn, type information and completed models can be retrieved.

class Meta

Bases: object

abstract = False

‘Cast’ the model to its actual type, if it is not already. This invokes a database lookup if the real type is not the same as the type of the current model.

property real_type

eoxserver.core.views module

Module contents

The eoxserver.core package provides functionality for the initialization and re-initialization of the component system. For convenience, the module imports the most important items from the eoxserver.core.component module and instantiates a component manager eoxserver.core.env.


Initialize the EOxServer plugin system by trying to import all the plugins referenced by the PLUGINS configuration entry from the settings module. If a module path ends with ‘*’ then all direct submodules will be imported aswell and if it ends with ‘**’ it means that the import will be done recursively.


Reset the EOxServer plugin system.